Rectangular Muffle Furnace (Laboratory Model)

Working temperature 900°C, maximum temperature 1000°C. Fitted with energy regulator thermocouple and pyrometer.


Product Description

Optional: –

  • Digital temperature indicator-cum-controller instead of energy regulator and pyrometer.
  • Microprocessor PID digital temperature indicator-cum-controller instead of energy regulator and pyrometer.


Inner Muffle Size (mm) SKU’s
225 x 100 x 100 SHE015A
250 x 125 x 125 SHE015B
300 x 125 x 125 SHE015C
300 x 150 x 150 SHE015D
300 x 200 x 200 SHE015E
350 x 175 x 125 SHE015F
475 x 175 x 125 SHE015G
450 x 225 x 225 SHE015H


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