Dispensing & Sampling Booth

Dispensing and sampling booth are ideal for weighing and dispensing of critical pharmaceutical and other powders. These provide down flow of HEPA filtered clean air creating environment in the area where powder is being dispense as well protect the worker, who is working inside from inhaling the powder fumes as the air bound powder gets trapped in suction filter at the bottom.


Product Description

Technical Specifications: – 

  • Type: – re-circulated type or exhaust type.
  • Pressure Drop: – pressure static manometer/magnehelic gauze provided.
  • Controller: – motor on/off indications.
  • Light : – light and additional 15/5 amp. socket provided in the booth.
  • S.S double skin wall and filter in aluminium frame structure S.S and wall acrylic.
  • Minipleat HEPA filter in supply and fine filter in return air.
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