Rotary Shaker (Platform Type)

This is a compact bench top model with platform fitted with rubber discs for continuous shaking of solution in flasks of various sizes, mounted on a heavy angle iron frame speed is controlled by electronic speed controller. Specific sizes and capacity can be offered on demand.


Product Description


  • 0-60 minutes timer.


Platform Size (cm) Holding Capacity Motor (H.P) SKU’s
45 x 45 25 flasks of 100 ml 0.25 SHE018A
45 x 45 15 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 SHE018B
55 x 55 25 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 SHE018C
65 x 65 36 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 SHE018D
90 x 90 49 flasks of 250 ml 1 SHE018E
100 x 100 81 flasks of 250 ml 1 SHE018F
100 x 100 81 flasks of 500 ml 1 SHE018G


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